Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement after his legislation to extend the successful Donation Acceptance Program (DAP) for an additional five years was signed into law:

 “At a pivotal time for Ports of Entry as they modernize and invest in their infrastructure, the need for these successful partnerships to continue is imperative,” said Sen. Cornyn. “For Texas, the expiration of this program would have disrupted funding for lane operations and ongoing construction projects for new lanes and inspection booths at a time when the regional economic recovery, the global supply chain crisis, and public safety need stability.”


The program allows for public-private partnerships at U.S. Ports of Entry and allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to accept donations of property and technology to more efficiently secure the border and process trade. First established by Sen. Cornyn’s bipartisan Cross Border Trade Enhancement Act in 2016, this program has supported daily operations at multiple Ports of Entry.