Senator Cornyn

We are experiencing a surge in migrants at our southern border like we’ve never seen before.

I’ve been to the border several times to see it firsthand. It’s record-breaking.

From the number of unaccompanied children to total monthly border crossings to capacity levels in our border facilities during a pandemic.

Put simply, this is a crisis. 

I’ve visited five facilities throughout Texas in recent weeks that are helping to house the record number of unaccompanied migrant children and brought more than a dozen of my colleagues in the Senate to the border.

Based on what we’ve seen on the ground and heard from locals experiencing this firsthand, I’ve introduced the Bipartisan Border Solutions Act.

This is the only bipartisan immigration proposal introduced in Congress to address this situation. 

Not only will it establish four new regional processing centers, it will free up our Border Patrol agents to once again refocus on the front lines and their mission of securing our border. The Border Solutions Act:

  • Disincentivizes migrants from coming to the U.S.
  • Gives ICE and CBP additional resources to help them do their jobs – including additional ICE Enforcement and Removal staff, CBP officers, and Border Patrol processing coordinators
  • Speeds up processing to get border patrol back on duty doing what they’re meant to

At the end of the day, this bill will deter illegal migration while efficiently processing legitimate asylum claims, all while protecting children and allocating resources to organizations at our border. 

It’s important we fix this crisis at our Southern border, and I’ll continue fighting to ensure the job gets done.

For Texas,
