Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) urged President Biden to outline for the American people during tomorrow’s State of the Union address how his Administration plans to handle the migrant crisis. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Tomorrow evening across the Capitol, President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address.”

“I am hopeful that the President will finally announce a plan to address the crisis at our southern border because, so far, the Administration has been largely silent. The crisis at the southern border is real, it’s big, and it’s growing.”

“Make no mistake, there is a crisis at the border, and the policies of the Biden Administration helped make it worse. Despite warnings from folks on both sides of the aisle, the Administration revoked policies of the previous Administration without any alternative plan in its place. Making matters worse, they entirely failed to prepare for the obvious consequences.”

“Now, the question is, what are they going to do to address it? I believe the American people deserve to hear from President Biden, his outline of a plan to address the border crisis and to manage this surge of humanity in a fair and humane way.”

“There’s a grassroots plan out there that was built from bottom up by the Senators and Congressmen most familiar with the crisis. It includes input from the men and women who’ve dealt with migration surges in the past and who are working around the clock to manage the consequences of uncontrolled movement of migrants across the border now. It’s called the Bipartisan Border Solutions Act.”