Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON — Today U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) provided testimony at a Senate Rules Committee hearing on the National Museum of the American Latino Act, his bill to authorize the Smithsonian Institution to create a museum honoring American Latinos.  Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“As a proud Texan and a Senator from a border state, I’ve been fortunate to experience firsthand the tremendous influence of Latinos on our country and culture throughout my life.”

“From learning the stories of the brave soldiers who fought in the Texas Revolution, to experiencing the vast influence of the Hispanic culture in my hometown of San Antonio, I am incredibly proud and appreciative of the Latino influence on Texas and American life.”

“Unfortunately, for many Americans, the contributions of generations of Latinos are largely unknown, and I hope this Committee will soon take action to right this wrong by advancing legislation to establish a National Museum of the American Latino.”

“It’s been more than 25 years since this effort began. It’s time to honor the contributions of generations of Latinos by providing a brick and mortar home for their stories right here in our nation’s capital.”