Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON –Today after the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) lamented the decision made by his Democratic colleagues to skip the meeting. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“I just find this to be a surreal environment we’re in where our Democratic colleagues announced yesterday they are going to boycott one of the most important votes this committee will have, probably, during our entire senatorial tenure.”

“Their argument, as I understand it, is somehow Amy Coney Barrett will violate her oath of office contrary to everything she has done and who she is.”

“You know, Senator Schumer said everything is on the table if they win the majority.”

“If the shoe were on the other foot, we have no doubt what they would do under these circumstances.”

“They are advocating packing the Supreme Court with additional partisan judges and as Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed out, there goes the crown jewels of the American Republic.”

“This is all for show. This is to try to capture a narrative which is simply false and to cover up what they are really about.”