Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released this statement after introducing the Giving Relief to American Communities in Emergencies (GRACE) Act, which would protect communities impacted by future natural disasters from losing transportation funding because of a temporary population decline during the decennial U.S. Census.  It would also address Galveston’s current funding lapse due to a census reporting anomaly by extending Urbanized Area Formula Grant Program funding for the City of Galveston through Fiscal Years 2021 and 2022.

“As we know all too well in Texas, when a natural disaster hits, many families will flee flood zones in search of safety,” said Sen. Cornyn.  “But when this occurs during a Census, as is happening right now, some communities might report a lower population than usual.  My bipartisan bill would protect communities like Galveston and Port Arthur from losing out on federal transportation dollars solely because the U.S. Census count occurs during hurricane season.”