Senator Cornyn

SAN ANGELO –U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) announced today at Angelo State University that various entities in the San Angelo region so far have been allocated $34,874,777 in federal coronavirus relief resources from Congress. He was joined by Texas Tech University System Chancellor Dr. Tedd Mitchell and Angelo State University (ASU) President Lt. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins on campus for ASU’s first day of school, where they toured a classroom reconfigured for hybrid learning with resources provided through the CARES Act, visited with students about how federal coronavirus response resources have helped them with tuition, and helped pass out facemasks paid for by the CARES Act to students on the mall.

Sen. Cornyn then held a joint socially-distanced press conference highlighting how the CARES Act, which he supported in March, has benefitted the San Angelo community. Chancellor Mitchell, President Hawkins, Mayor Brenda Gunter of San Angelo, Judge Steve Floyd of Tom Green County, and Superintendent Dr. Carl Dethloff of San Angelo ISD also spoke to how they have used CARES Act funds to respond to the coronavirus.

Thus far, Sen. Cornyn has worked to secure $35 million in funding for the San Angelo area, including:

  • Local Government: $6,556,000
    • City of San Angelo: $5,488,670
      • $95,000 for masks, gloves, and sanitation supplies
      • $22,500 for telework equipment
      • $83,000 for housing and rental assistance
      • $64,000 for non-congregate sheltering for citizens
      • $12,500 for educational signage on social distancing
    • Tom Green County: $1,067,330
      • $26,800 for social distancing partitions
      • $13,000 for COVID testing
      • $7,195 for PPE
  • Angelo State University: $6,829,574
    • 2,311 students received $3,179,781 in aid
    • Built a health screening app
    • Purchased masks, cleaning equipment, sanitizer, and thermometers
    • Procured educational equipment to transition to virtual learning
  • San Angelo ISD: $2,848,284
    • 74,410 Masks
    • 2,500 Face Shields
    • 2,200 Pairs of Gloves
    • 458 Thermometers
  • San Angelo Regional Airport: $1,227,539
  • Concho Valley Transit District: $4,238,812
  • Local Health Care Facilities: $13,174,568

Participants included:

U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)

Dr. Tedd Mitchell, Chancellor, Texas Tech University System

Lt. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins, President, Angelo State University

Brenda Gunter, Mayor, San Angelo

Steve Floyd, Judge, Tom Green County

Dr. Carl Dethloff, Superintendent, San Angelo ISD