Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced legislation to help Texans who are laid off or furloughed due to COVID-19 continue on their employer’s health plan through December 31, 2020.

“As the coronavirus wreaks havoc on our job market, it’s vital that Texans continue to have health care options, especially while case numbers are on the rise,” said Sen. Cornyn. “This legislation will provide some degree of certainty to folks who have found themselves out of work through no fault of their own.”

Read the bill text here.


  • Americans who have been laid off or furloughed have limited health care options, and some of these options could cost the federal government even more money. This bill not only provides certainty for these Americans, but also offers a solution that is more fiscally sound in regard to the federal budget. 
  • At a time of great uncertainty, the Continuous Health Coverage for Workers Act would provide premium assistance for COBRA continuation coverage, including church plans that aren’t traditionally part of the COBRA system. 
  • This bill also includes strong pro-life protections to ensure that none of the federal assistance offered goes toward abortion services. 
  • Additionally, this bill ensures that Americans do not have to restart their deductible halfway through the year while incurring additional out-of-pocket costs.