Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON—Today on the Senate floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) called on the White House to implement a more comprehensive testing strategy, updated based on what we’ve learned about the coronavirus. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video of his remarks can be found here.

“Yesterday Texas reported almost 7,000 new coronavirus cases, setting a new single-day record. As cases have climbed in recent weeks, it’s become clear that we need to take what we’ve learned about this virus and adjust our strategy.”

“We need to constantly reevaluate and adapt our strategy to ensure that we’re identifying cases as soon as possible to stop the spread and to protect the most vulnerable among us.” 

“I know the Administration and the Task Force are working around the clock on this, but to be frank, we need to up our game.  And I hope we will focus on developing a comprehensive testing strategy, based on what we have learned from this hard experience, to combat the rising cases and community spread we’re seeing in places like Texas and elsewhere.”