Cornyn Leads U.S. Congressional Delegation to India
Members of Congress Met with Officials in India to Strengthen Ties with Critical Partner and Counter Chinese Aggression WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator and India Caucus Co-Chair John Cornyn (R-TX) returned yesterday from leading a congressional delegation (CODEL) to India and other countries in southeast Asia. The delegation, which included Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mike Lee (R-UT), […]
Cornyn Leads Delegation to Southeast Asia to Support the U.S. Military’s Largest Combatant Command
WASHINGTON – This morning, a congressional delegation (CODEL) led by U.S. Senator and India Caucus Co-Chair John Cornyn (R-TX) touched down back in the U.S after visiting key allies and partners in southeast Asia. The delegation, which included Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Representatives Tony Gonzales (TX-23) and […]
Cornyn, Warner Urge Biden Administration to Waive CAATSA Sanctions Against India
WASHINGTON – Today U.S. Senators and India Caucus Co-Chairs John Cornyn (R-TX) and Mark Warner (D-VA) sent a letter to President Biden encouraging him to waive Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) sanctions against India for buying military arms from Russia. They wrote: “While India has taken significant steps to reduce its purchases of […]
Cornyn Meets with Afghan Visa Recipients in Houston
HOUSTON – Today, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met with YMCA of Greater Houston’s Chief International Initiatives Officer Jeff Watkins and three Afghan Special Immigrant Visa recipients who traveled with their families to the U.S. In addition to welcoming them to Texas, he discussed his opposition to how the Biden Administration has mishandled the U.S. […]
Cornyn Slams Biden’s Decision to Keep Arbitrary Afghanistan Deadline
Letting the Taliban dictate our military strategy is an absolute disgrace. When it comes to getting our citizens out, the American people won’t tolerate asking the Taliban for permission. WASHINGTON– U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released a statement following reports that President Biden has refused to extend his self-imposed withdrawal deadline in Afghanistan: “Letting the […]
Cornyn: Rapid Collapse of Afghanistan an ‘Unforced Error’
This was a huge error on the part of our national leadership, starting with the President of the United States. There’s no question that al-Qaida, and ISIS, and other terrorist organizations will use this as an opportunity to reconstitute themselves and be a threat not only in the region, but to the American homeland. A […]
Cornyn Urges White House to Address Vietnamese Human Rights Abuses
WASHINGTON – Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) sent a letter to State Department Secretary Antony Blinken urging him to take action to address the Vietnamese government’s human rights abuses, property misappropriation, and discrimination against religious groups and religious expression. Sen. Cornyn wrote, “Vietnam has demonstrated its strategic value in the Indo-Pacific region, and remains a welcome partner in […]
Cornyn, Duckworth Introduce Bill to Boost U.S.-Taiwanese Defense Cooperation
WASHINGTON –U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today released the following statements after introducing the Taiwan Partnership Act, which would establish a partnership between the U.S. National Guard and Taiwanese defense forces to ensure a well-integrated defense force capable of fast deployment during a crisis: “Taiwan is a critical ally in a region facing growing […]
Cornyn Files Legislation to Strengthen Cross-Border Trade, Guard Against Terrorism
WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) filed legislation to create a pilot program to strengthen the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program: “Ensuring America’s trade policies bolster our strong economy is crucial for long-term growth.” said Sen. Cornyn. “By providing additional options for which vendor trusted trading partners can use to transport their cargo, we can ensure resiliency […]
Cornyn: Biden Must Pressure Putin to Release Trevor Reed
WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement on President Biden’s meeting with Russian President Putin: “President Biden must stop sitting on his hands when it comes to putting pressure on our adversaries and work to return Americans held captive overseas like Trevor Reed. Anything less would be a failure of leadership,” said Sen. […]
Cornyn Urges Support for F-35s Built in Fort Worth in Upcoming Defense Spending
FORT WORTH – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) yesterday urged leadership of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee to prioritize continued support for the F-35 Lightning II program in forthcoming defense authorization and spending bills. Sen. Cornyn has long been an advocate for a robust fleet of F-35s, built in Fort […]
Cornyn, Warner Ask Biden to Increase COVID-19 Assistance to India, Other Nations
WASHINGTON – Today U.S. Senators and Co-Chairs of the Senate India Caucus John Cornyn (R-TX) and Mark Warner (D-VA) sent a letter to President Biden urging him to ramp up efforts to support hard-hit countries like India by providing them with medical supplies and surplus vaccinations as they manage the recent surge in coronavirus infections. They […]
Cornyn Once Again Calls for Release of North Texas Veteran Held in Russian Prison
HOUSTON—U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a resolution earlier this week calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a veteran of the U.S. Marines and student at the University of North Texas, from Russian prison. The resolution calls for release of all political prisoners, condemns politically motivated imprisonment in the Russian Federation, demands that the […]
Cornyn: Closing Gitmo ‘Misguided and Dangerous’
WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) today released the following statement after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that the Biden Administration aims to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by the end of President Biden’s term: “The Democrats’ obsession with bringing terrorists into Americans’ backyards is bizarre, misguided, and dangerous. Just like with President […]
Cornyn, Hagerty Release Video on New START Treaty
WASHINGTON –U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) today released a video on President Biden’s naive decision to extend the New START nuclear proliferation treaty without any additional negotiations. You can watch the video here. Watch Video Here