Senator Cornyn

PHOTO: Cornyn Meets with Presidio County Judge

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met today with Presidio County Judge Joe Portillo to discuss cross-border trade opportunities, the Presidio-Ojinaga International Bridge Project, and the delayed issuance of presidential permits for key bridge projects. Last month, Sens. Cornyn and Ted Cruz (R-TX) sent a letter to President Biden urging him to expedite […]

PHOTO: Cornyn Meets with IBWC Commissioner

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met today with U.S. Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) Dr. Maria-Elena Giner to discuss the Treaty Relating to the Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande between the U.S. and Mexico. In August, Sen. Cornyn called […]

VIDEO: Cornyn on the Biden Border Crisis: ‘Enough is Enough’

News Enough is enough. We’re not going to proceed to this emergency supplemental that the President has asked for unless and until policy changes are made. The City of Eagle Pass has lost at least $500,000 during a closure of a bridge due to the influx of migrants. We’re not going to miss this opportunity […]

Cornyn: Punishing Law-Abiding Citizens Won’t Reduce Violent Crime

News We have a trust issue and a constitutional issue when we use the public health approach to attempt to strip away core constitutional rights. The most effective solution to firearm-related homicides and assault is effective criminal law enforcement. Using public health authorities as a blanket excuse to strip away constitutional rights divides us more […]

PHOTO: Cornyn Meets with Port San Antonio CEO

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met today with Port San Antonio President and CEO Jim Perschbach to discuss Port San Antonio’s impact on Bexar County, including its initiatives to cultivate interest in STEM education for local youth and incentivize innovation at the state-of-the-art Boeing Center at Tech Port. Port San Antonio has more […]

Cornyn Discusses SCOTUS Code of Conduct, Democrats’ Partisan Subpoena Ploy

News Any decision about the Supreme Court’s rules… should not come from the Congress. It should come from the Court itself, and now it has done so. I hope this development will also encourage the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to abandon his latest partisan attack on the Court. I urge my colleagues to abandon […]

Cornyn Discusses Outbound Investment Transparency Ahead of Biden-Xi Meeting

News The Chinese Communist Party is focused on shoring up technologies that bolster its military strength and its economic power. Unfortunately, American investors are fueling the success of Chinese military-civil fusion, possibly… without even knowing. Congress needs to enact strong guardrails around investments in China, but before you do that, you need good information, which […]

PHOTO: Cornyn Meets with NASA Administrator

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met yesterday with NASA Administrator and former Senator Bill Nelson to discuss the Orion spacecraft project, managed by NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC), and other priorities for NASA and JSC. See photo attached and below. This image is in the public domain, but those wishing […]

Cornyn Joins Bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement after he joined the Bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus, founded last month by Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA), Alex Padilla (D-CA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Tina Smith (D-MN) to create a forum for Senators to collaborate on and promote bipartisan legislation and solutions, hold […]

Cornyn Blasts Schumer for Calling Israel Aid Bill a ‘Joke’

News Last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill to strengthen America’s support for Israel while cutting wasteful government spending. I’m disappointed that President Biden… threatened to veto the bill, and Senator Schumer went so far as to call it a joke. $14.3 billion for Israel while it’s under perhaps an existential threat by […]

Cornyn, Klobuchar Bill to Fight Rape Kit Backlog Passes Senate

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released the following statements after the Senate passed their legislation to reauthorize the Debbie Smith Act, which would provide state and local law enforcement agencies with resources to complete forensic analyses of crime scenes and untested rape kits: “Examining DNA evidence is a […]

Cornyn, Whitehouse Resolution Recognizing Red Ribbon Week Passes Senate

News WASHINGTON – Today, the Senate passed a resolution from U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) recognizing Red Ribbon Week, the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign. Text is below, and you can view the full resolution here. “Whereas the National Family Partnership started the Red Ribbon Campaign in 1988— (1) […]

Cornyn Op-Ed: What Does Biden Have to Hide on the Border?

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) authored the following op-ed on to highlight his Southern Border Transparency Act, which he introduced this week with more than 20 Senate Republicans. This legislation would require the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to accurately report how it is handling migrants encountered at the border and […]