Senator Cornyn

Cornyn on Fox: Biden Doesn’t Care About the Border Crisis

September 20, 2023

The President's afraid of the progressive base, who believes in open borders.

I'm proud of the work that Governor Abbott, the Texas legislature… National Guard, and Department of Public Safety have done.

If they weren't doing it, nothing would be there between the cartels and our country, and it would be immeasurably worse.

WASHINGTON – Today on Fox News’ America Reports, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed reports that more than 4,000 migrants have overwhelmed Border Patrol in Eagle Pass, Texas, criticized President Biden for pushing open-border policies to appease his progressive base, and applauded Governor Abbott and state officials for their efforts despite zero support from the White House. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“It’s chaos, and I ask myself, what’s it going to take for the Biden administration to pay attention?”

“The President’s afraid of the progressive base, who believes in open borders, so that’s his policy.”

“Out of the 300,000 children placed with sponsors during the Biden administration, there have been 85,000 wellness calls made 30 days after the child was placed with a sponsor, and they went unanswered.”

“President Biden takes the position that it’s not his responsibility.”

“The Biden administration simply doesn’t care; it washes its hands of its responsibility and says that it’s somebody else’s problem.”

“I’m proud of the work that Governor Abbott, the Texas legislature – leadership there – National Guard, and Department of Public Safety have done. Frankly, if they weren’t doing it, nothing would be there between the cartels and our country, and it would be immeasurably worse.”