Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON – Today on Fox News’ Fox and Friends, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court and COVID-19 precautions in place in the hearing room. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s floor remarks are below, and video can be found here.

On Judge Barrett’s Lack of Notes During the Hearing:

“What a contrast, with all of the senators there with an army of staff behind us, with all of our notebooks and everything that we accumulated to ask for questions, and she was able to answer them without referring to anything.”

“Pretty impressive.”

On Democrats’ Attacks on Judge Barrett’s Faith:

“I think they realize what had a mistake it was to attack her for her Catholic faith. You remember in 2017 Senator Feinstein said, ‘The dogma lives loudly within you,’ as if we had a religious test for who could serve on the Supreme Court. They obviously wanted to stay away from that.”

On COVID Precautions in the Hearing Room:

“We know how to protect ourselves and each other by maintaining social distancing, and wearing masks, and washing our hands, staying home when we’re sick. And as you saw, we’ve had a number of hearings like this – I think 150 of them – before, so I think Kamala was playing to the TV cameras and the audience.”