Senator Cornyn

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said the following on a conference call with Texas reporters today after Senate Democrats blocked another coronavirus relief bill:

“While this bill had important priorities, it left out some important things as well. But I still think we need another relief piece of legislation to include things like direct payments to individuals, enhanced unemployment insurance for folks who’ve found themselves out of work, a second PPP round for small businesses, and more resources for schools and local governments.”

“It’s pretty discouraging to see that Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer want to ignore the pleading of people who are still hurting and not receiving a paycheck for some help, and I can’t think of any good reason to deny them that help.”

“My hope is that after this first vote that cooler heads will prevail, and we’ll get to work and come up with some sort of compromise. We know nobody’s going to get everything they want on either side of the argument, but I don’t know why we would make life more difficult on people who are already hurting by refusing for political reasons not to come together and try to help ease their pain.”